Iguana care, feeding, and lighting

There are a few things you have to keep in mind when you caring for an iguana.

The heating portion of iguana care is less complicated then it seems. All you need is a basking spot of about 95 degrease, which is easily reached with a 100w- 150w heat lamp, maybe 2 depending on how large the cage is. The next light you need is a UVB lamp this gives the iguana, the nutrients he needs from the sun. Then you will also need a night lamp, 100w-150w works great. One thing I bought and got my money’s worth out of is a timer, for all the lamps, 12 hours with the day light and UVB, then 12 hours of night heat.

Feeding an iguana is such a pain, but it’s worth it for your iguana. They need 1-2 meals a day, of fresh greens, such as collard greens, mustard greens, and spinach, they also like fruits like grapes, mangos, and strawberries ect. The hard part about feeding iguanas is giving them fresh food every day, because all the greens are usually all shriveled up after a day or two and your iguana won’t like them as much. keep fresh water for them. Greens should be cut up smaller then the space between their eyes. You want to change the food you give them about every 3 days.

The ideal amount out time to handle your iguana is 1 hour a day. The amount you take out your iguana makes every difference as far as taming your iguana, the more you can take them out the more docile they become. Although it’s not easy to take their iguanas out once a day, it makes a big difference, if you only take your iguana out every other day or 3 times a week your iguana will be fine and dandy, but its best to do an hour a day.

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